Anaheim, CA – The serene streets of Anaheim were shattered by a devastating hit-and-run incident in the early hours of April 22, 2023. Jana Goulding, a beloved member of the community, became the unfortunate victim of this heart-wrenching accident.

The Fateful Night

Around 1:00 a.m., near the 700 block of North East Street, Goulding was taking a peaceful walk when disaster struck. Eric Matthew Martinez, allegedly under the influence of methamphetamine, collided with her. Instead of stopping to assist, Martinez sped away, leaving Goulding critically injured.

Swift Response and Heartbreaking Outcome

Local authorities, alerted by distressed calls from the scene, arrived promptly. They discovered Goulding in a dire state and rushed her to a nearby medical facility. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, the injuries Goulding sustained were too severe. The 44-year-old was pronounced dead, leaving the community in shock and grief.

The Pursuit of Justice

The aftermath of the incident revealed Martinez’s trail of destruction. Not only had he struck Goulding, but he also damaged several gates and homes in his reckless escape. Law enforcement’s relentless pursuit led to his capture around 9:10 a.m. at the 1400 block of East La Palma Avenue.

Support from Sweet James

The compassionate team at Sweet James extends their heartfelt condolences to Goulding’s family and friends. They understand the profound impact such tragedies have on loved ones. Their dedicated wrongful death attorneys are committed to assisting affected families, ensuring they receive the justice they deserve. If you or someone you know is grappling with a similar situation, Sweet James is available at 1-800-900-0000 for a confidential consultation.

A Call for Road Safety

This tragic event underscores the dire consequences of hit-and-run incidents and the importance of road safety. As the community mourns the loss of Jana Goulding, it’s a solemn reminder of the need for responsible driving and heightened awareness on our roads.